Prediction System-on-Modules for Fast Deployment
in Smart Vision Applications. Advantage 1.

Enabling Millions of SW Developers in Their Familiar
Design Environment. Advantage 2,Advantage 2.

Out-of-the-Box Ready, Low-Cost Starter Kit for Vision
AI applications. Advantage 3, Advantage 3.
PYNQ™-ZU board, based on Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC, is designed for the Xilinx University Program to support the Xilinx PYNQ (Python Productivity for Zynq) open source framework (please refer to the PYNQ project webpage at www.pynq.io) and embedded systems development.

一元素科技 (E-Elements Technology, Co. Ltd.) 成立於 2005 年,主要從事高階 FPGA 系統設計服務、教育培訓、技術諮詢及人工智能與無線通訊的解決方案, 致力於高速運算加速平台的開發與推廣。


EGO-XA7 是由一元素科技自行開發設計,特別設計的口袋式FPGA數位類比混合實驗平台,提供多種類型的教學實驗,讓學生更能貼近實際操作,同時也是支持貫穿式教學的重要基礎。

E-Elements has partnered with HAPS connect program, providing HAPS with extensive system design and varies functional boards. Deliver to HAPS partners customized design service and diversified options. We have provided customers with more efficient and complete support.
一元素科技作為Xlinx台灣區(獨家)及中國區官方授權培訓服務 (ATP, Authorized Training Provider) 的執行單位外,同時也獲得 Xilinx 台灣區及中國區大學計畫的獨家授權,每年舉辦數場大學教師的培訓 (University Workshop Training)。一元素科技除了是 Xilinx 官方授權的設計服務合作廠商外 (Design Service Partner), 也是其全球生態系在大中華區最佳的商務合作及技術支援的合作夥伴。